Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bet you thought I had given up, eh?

Sorry, no such luck for you.

I really should be revamping my résumé for the third or fourth time (maybe the fifth), but if there's one thing I try to avoid, it's working on my résumé. That and writing cover letters. Of course, none of this bodes well for the job search, which has yet to bear fruit. I'm having flashbacks to high school when I looked high and low for a job, and no one would hire me. I believe it's a conspiracy.

There, now that I've addressed the job issue, let's move on. It's almost Halloween, my favorite holiday. While I, Pancha, will not be dressing up, my trusty sidekick will be. She'll be going as a girl reporter, and if our hound dog is up for it, she'll be going as the valiant steed. Girl reporters have valiant steeds, right? It helps them get around easier. I'm certainly looking forward to trick-or-treating with my sidekick, as I haven't been out in years. (I mean I haven't been out trick-or-treating in years. I've been out. I do leave my house, you know.) I hope you all have a lovely All Hallows Eve.

I must admit, I'm a little disappointed in you, my loyal readers. I've received no ideas from anyone, despite my plaintive plea a couple weeks ago. While it's only natural that I would be all out of ideas, I find it difficult to believe that you all are as well. Am I going to have to resort to making stuff up for my Spanish journal? Isn't it bad enough that I make things up for this blog?

Well, that's enough for now. I need to take it slow in my return to blogging after such a hiatus. Plus I'm falling asleep at my computer, and it's only 2:30 p.m.
